Monday, September 10, 2012

The wagon

Hey guys, it's another Lego creation!It is called "The Wagon". He is a merchant who travels to each village and sells stuff at a high price! And i messed up on the photo when he buys a rooster.                                                                                                                                                                  

Monday, August 20, 2012

the miner bot on mars

another creation, THE LEGO ROBOT!!! He wakes up on mars and the only way is to mine his resources  and make a shelter. (Kind of like Minecraft!)

Friday, August 17, 2012


epic face is SO cool like if you like epic face like please!

Hey guys, today I will be talking about WAR so I have been making this red airplane witch will be on here soon                                                 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

 Hey guys, I think these are cool! Do you think  they look like they were made by a person who has been through World War 2!

remember my post ''The Halloween Group'' well i think i AM going to make a video! the video will be about a ghost hunter that captures their friend Ghostly and takes  his power so he can rule the world! and they save him!


hey guys vote wich is better: Troll face or Epic face (vote on comments)